UK employees begin four-day work week pilot

“We will be working with over 3000 UK employees to bring the four-day week to their businesses!”
Dubbed as the “biggest ever trial of a four-day week in the world,” over 70 companies signed up for the UK pilot programme, coming from over 30 industries.
Employees who are a part of the pilot programme will still receive 100% of their pay for 80% of their time, “in exchange for a commitment to maintain at least 100% productivity.”
This means 32 hours a week for employees, without their salaries reduced, in hopes that it would benefit them, employers, the economy, the society, and the environment.
“The UK works longer hours than most of Europe. It is not making us more productive,” said the 4 Day Week Global on its webpage. “It is making us stressed, over-worked, and burnt out. It is time for a 4 Day Week.”
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